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Rachel Hill Charts Her Course at Ohio State Newark

Rachel Hill grew up in Newark and graduated from Granville Christian Academy among a class of 22 peers. Her transition from a small high school to the broader world of college was a little daunting, but Rachel has found that The Ohio State University at Newark offers everything she needs—both academically and financially.

Rachel’s decision to attend Ohio State Newark was influenced by its proximity, affordability, and the generous financial aid she received. One impactful moment in Rachel's college experience has been receiving The J. Gilbert Reese and Louella H. Reese Scholarship, a fund established at the Newark Campus Development Fund by Gib and Lou Reese. The scholarship not only alleviated her financial stress but also filled her with a deep sense of gratitude, knowing that someone believed in her potential.

“I have more awareness for the kindness of strangers,” Rachel shared. “There is someone out there rooting for me and giving me a little help to go to college and get my degree…It puts your mind at ease.”

Rachel’s experience at the Newark campus has been enriched by the close-knit community and the guidance of supportive faculty who have helped her navigate the shift from high school to college. This sense of belonging and encouragement has been instrumental in her academic success.

“Don’t be afraid to ask your professors or classmates questions or just small talk,” she recommends. “Even though it can be super intimidating when you don’t know anyone, you never know what kind of connections and friends you might make if you don’t take that first step.”

While Rachel’s current studies in business management align with her role as a manager at Rolls by the Pound and provide a solid background for whatever the future may bring, Rachel’s true passion lies in aviation. Invoking her love for science and math, and drawing inspiration from the adventurous spirit of Newark’s own Jerrie Mock, the first women to fly solo around the world, Rachel dreams of becoming a pilot. After graduation, Rachel plans to attend flight school in Florida to pursue this goal.

As Rachel reflects on her journey, she is grateful for the small university feel with access to large university assets she benefits from by attending Ohio State Newark. Entering her junior year, Rachel will be able to complete her degree in full at Ohio State Newark. After that, the sky is the limit!